The trailer of Durgamati: The Myth is out and the movie looks pretty spooky. In the first scene, the audience gets to see the Durgamati Haveli, where Mahie Gill plays a police officer attempting to remove Arshad Warsi’s domination. The film takes place in the jail and the haveli, which serves as the setting for revenge. The film has a creepy vibe, and it is worth catching when it hits the theatres on 11 December 2020.
The film is based on an Indian myth, and is aimed at an adult audience. The storyline centers around the spirit of Durgamati, the dead queen. Her spirit haunts the haveli, and the main characters fight to save their souls. The film is a typical horror film, with the exception of the final thirty minutes of the movie being bearable. But if you don’t want to get scared of the dead queen, you can skip this one.
The movie’s screen time is a tad long, with the main plot taking up only 30 minutes. The screentime is over two hours and 35 minutes – that’s almost an hour and a half! The director could have gotten his point across in half that time, but the rushed narrative shatters what few positives it does have. While Anushka Shetty’s performance saves the film, there are a lot of things to criticize about the film.
This film is not a perfect remake of Bhaagamathie, but it does offer promise. But the movie’s original Telugu hit Bhaagamathie was a far better movie, and the remake is just as forgettable. Its only redeeming feature is the promise of a sequel to Bhaagamathie. It’s hard to imagine a film with more potential. Its remake is a shame because it has so much potential.
Unfortunately, the film also tries to make the most of its mystery by overstepping its limits and keeping the audience guessing. Its overblown narrative and gimmicky visual effects make the film feel a little desperate to be a success. Bhumi is an awful on-screen shouter, and her Durgamati character is particularly screechy and uninspiring. The movie isn’t a great choice for those who want to watch a mystery film with an authentic feel.