Is Saaho a Bollywood movie? is a surprisingly complex question. The movie was directed by Sujeeth and stars Prabhas and Shraddha Kapoor. We review it as part of Mash’O-Meter, a film review series for Mashable India. The film’s budget was estimated at Rs350 crores. Unfortunately, its box office receipts failed to meet expectations in India.
The story follows a thief named Devraj, who murders Roy in order to usurp the city. Saaho is tracked by Amritha, who pretends to be an agent of Ashok. As Amritha falls in love with Saaho, she betrays him. Ashok, however, is pursuing him. Meanwhile, a sniper on a helicopter and a jetpack are chasing him.
This sci-fi film opens with a couple of suave men discussing millions of dollars. Later, a series of events unfolds in a fictional city called Waaji. The kingpin returns to Mumbai but is killed on the first drive through the city. The movie ends with the thief’s murder. But wait, it’s not a Bollywood movie! There’s more to this film than meets the eye.
Is Saaho a Bollywood movie? Review by Michael B. Johnson, J.K. Rajkumar Hirst
Despite its lack of grandeur, Saaho is an enjoyable movie to watch. Prabhas is a charismatic star, but the script and direction of the film are subpar. He spends most of the movie delivering exposition and glaring ominously. Shraddha Kapoor’s role is bland and lacks depth. Her character is also undeveloped, but she did her part well on screen.
As the title suggests, “Saaho” is a romantic comedy. Although the film is primarily about love, there are moments of machismo in the film. Despite its charms and charm, Saaho isn’t a Bollywood movie. And although Prabhas and Shraddha Kapoor’s romance is a bit phony.
SAAHO is about a mysterious man on a mission. A city ruled by criminals and gangsters is called Waaji. One of the most important of these criminals, Roy, has a hydro project approved in India. Unfortunately, he dies in a road accident in Mumbai. His successors, Vishwank and Devraj, fight for the power to replace Roy. Meanwhile, a macho police officer, Ashok Chakravarthy, investigates the murder.